So in September I had my Roman Holiday. Brief photo essay follows.
Thanks to the jet-lag, for the first time, I saw the dawn in Rome:
I spent my few days (re)reading my Dylan Dog and Rat Man collections:
and playing my piano:
and generally messing up my room, that, having been cleaned daily for months without being used, had reached negative levels of entropy:
By the way, with a strange twists of events, I discovered that while I was busy converting the department to espresso, my parents had converted to American coffee (note on the left):
Roma! the perfect occasion to test my new camera (Sony A300). I found out that I need a larger macro lens:
and I need a longer zoom:
Then I headed to Nice, France for IROS. The conference was okay, with a good program, but the rooms were too small, especially for the bigger sessions.
During 5 days of conference, there’s plenty of time to go around the city. So I saw the sea,
I breathed the old-Europe air,
and visited the museums:
The most inspiring moment I had was in front of this citation of John Cage:
“the situation being desperate, everything is now possible” which will be added to my list of inspirational mantra.
And then, 26 hours of travel later, I was suddenly back in sunny California, wondering where my baggage was instead.
Hi Alex,
I got the blog on the CDS server just by asking nicely.
In general, the good sysadmins will install pretty much any software you want: many get a wiki for their webpage.
I guess it’s because we’re in engineering.
The room? it looked so organized because I just arrived – you should have seen after a week!
Sorry, hit return too soon. This is my contact info. Back to watching Battlestar!
I’m curious, how did you get this blog set up on a caltech server?
Back on topic: niceee bedroom. Why do European rooms always look so organized and fashionable?