China in pictures and low-resolution videos: part 3, Beijing 2009-12-29

(read Part 1, Part 2)

After Hangzhou, I fly to Beijing alone. It’s not easy to get around alone if you don’t speak Chinese, but fortunately Shuo arranged for some people from his university to guide me through the city.

So first I went to the famous Tsinghua university:

In the cafeteria of the university there is a board with names and pictures of all servers, in case you want to complain:

Then we went to the Summer palace, the summer residence of the emperor. It is cold! The huge lake in the middle of the residence is frozen, and we can walk on it to go from one building to the next.

Several old people walked around doing calligraphy exercises with water on the pavement:

The other sightseeing sites that I visited in the following days include the Olympic city and the the Bird nest stadium:

The famous Tiananmen Square:

The Forbidden City:

The Temple of Heaven:

The Wangfujing district:

The Qianmen area: